2025 Constitution Committee
The 2025 Ottawa Tribal Constitution Committee meets regularly to discuss and propose revisions to update the 1979 Tribal Constitution.
Tribal members’ input is highly valued and members may submit suggestions via the form below.

2025 Constitution Committee Members
Patrick Alley
Marty Angelo
Joseph Bilinski
Liz Carter
Kelly Crabtree
Samantha Davis
Djuana Denton
Aaron Epperson
Stephany George
Rhonda Hayworth
Brittany Long
Niketa Mastin
Keely Mitchell
Dennis Scott
Ottawa Tribal Council (c. 1875), Top row (left to right): Christopher Wind, Charles Hutchinson, Henry Jones, Joseph Wind. Bottom row: James Wind, William Hurr, Francis King, Henry Clary, David Barnett.
Constitution and Bylaws of the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma
We, the Ottawa Indians of Oklahoma, in order to take advantage of the opportunities of economic independence and social advancement offered by the Thomas-Rogers Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of June 26, 1936, do hereby establish this constitution and bylaws pursuant to that act. This document supersedes the original constitution and bylaws approved by the Acting Secretary of the Interior on October 10, 1938, and ratified by the qualified voters of the tribe on November 30, 1938.