Publicly Available Documents

Publicly Available Documents

Per Article I, Section 3 of the By-Laws of the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma, tribal records and papers must remain in possession of the Ottawa Tribe and access to these documents is outlined very specifically within that section. However, per Resolution 2024-05, the documents on this page are determined to not be “records and papers” of the Tribe in the meaning of Article I, and have therefore been made reasonably accessible to tribal members. You may view these documents by clicking on the buttons below.

Most Recent Draft of Proposed Constitution (currently submitted to and awaiting approval by BIA)

Code of Conduct

Election Ordinances

Grievance Committee Duties & Procedures

Tribal Criminal Court Documents

Ottawa Tribal Council (c. 1875), Top row (left to right): Christopher Wind, Charles Hutchinson, Henry Jones, Joseph Wind. Bottom row: James Wind, William Hurr, Francis King, Henry Clary, David Barnett.

Constitution and Bylaws of the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma

We, the Ottawa Indians of Oklahoma, in order to take advantage of the opportunities of economic independence and social advancement offered by the Thomas-Rogers Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of June 26, 1936, do hereby establish this constitution and bylaws pursuant to that act. This document supersedes the original constitution and bylaws approved by the Acting Secretary of the Interior on October 10, 1938, and ratified by the qualified voters of the tribe on November 30, 1938.

W. Charles Ulrey, Jr.
Tribal Development